About Me

I'm a geek who loves tech. From cell phones to computers to binary watches. I love it all.

23 November 2007

Skype Stumps German Police

So if you really want to Talk to other people and don't want someone to listen in then you might really want to use Skype. Apparently the Encryption of the Skype data is causing the German Police difficulties on wire tapping. The problem is basically that the voice data is sent as data packets over various links instead of a constant straight link like conventional phones. Therefore, the encryption is hard to detect and break. I'm sure that Germany is putting their best minds on the subject and will eventually break the encryption but for now it seems to be a safe medium to speak without being tapped. According to the article the German police are not in discussions with Skype about adding a backdoor. They realize that no provider would accept this.

12 October 2007

First Post

I have no idea why I created this blog. I already have one at Wordpress.com. I'm guessing I just wanted to see what this host offers. One nice thing is that it works with my Google accounts. So I'm guessing that this blog will be about my love of tech and geeky things. We'll see what comes of this in the future.